Path Forward Survey – July 2022

Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey designed to get your input. As we emerge from the COVID shutdown, we have the opportunity to consider how to bring forward the best of what we have learned, even as we re-capture those things we most missed.  Your responses will assist the Path Forward committee in helping our Meeting community emerge as a vibrant and connected community.  Thank you,
~ AFM Path Forward team (Karen C. – clerk; Ellen M., Kim F., Jenn D-M., Martha B., & Peter M.)

Path Forward Survey - July 2022 DRAFT
1. How comfortable are you with how the Meeting is currently addressing safety protocols related to COVID? (might add a link to our webpage statement here which would have the added benefit of being educational)[We no longer have a COVID webpage, but we could make one.]
2. In the last 3 months, in what ways have you engaged with the AFM community? (check all that apply)
3. How would you describe your involved with the AFM community compared to before the pandemic?
AFM benefits when we offer options for people to attend both in person and via Zoom
AFM needs to offer worship opportunities that do not involve technology.
Most of our worship should only be in person.
Whenever possible, AFM needs to offer worship and activities both in person and via Zoom.
Most of our activities should only be in person.
We need more discussion about this as a community.
Emails to AFM-Announce (a.k.a., The Announce List)
AFM Calendar
AFM Website
Weekly Announcements Email
Verbal Announcements after Meeting for Worship
Word of mouth